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How to Use the Operational Control Record (OCR)
Create your Default Settings, Categories, and Payment Terms

About the Opertational Control Record
The Operational Control Record (OCR) is what sets your defaults and lets you customize Book-It. It is the place that stores your company information and security settings. It is a vital piece of Book-It, and can make your use of BKX even easier.

 1. Go to Utility
 2. Click on Operational Control Record
 3. Click on the tab you need to change the settings on. If you are new to the system please fill out your main information. To understand each tab click on the category.
  Main OCR

  Main OCR - Field Descriptions
 1. Company Name. -- Your Company name.
 2. Telephone. -- Your telephone number
 3. Address 1. -- Your main street address or PO BOX number
 4. Address 2. -- Your second address such as a suite number
 5. City. -- Your city.
 6. State/Region. -- Your state or region.
 7. Country. -- Your 3 digit country id such as a USA for United States of America or GER for Germany.
 8. Fax Number. -- Your fax number.
 9. Default Email Address. -- Any email address that you use is okay. (Ex: support@domain.com)
10. Contact First and Last Name. -- The name of the main contact at your business.
11. Mail Servers: Incoming & Outgoing Mail Server. -- We (EBT) will include these when you purchase the software.
12. Account Name (Login Name). -- We (EBT) will include these when you purchase the software.
13. Password. -- We (EBT) will include these when you purchase the software.
14. Date Format. -- Depending on what country you are in you can change the default settings of the date here if it doesn't automatically change.

OCR Tab: Agency - Field Descriptions
 1. Status. -- Place in here the status that you wish to default whenever you add an agency. A = Active. L = List
 2. Category. -- Place the two digit id of the category that you use most often.
 3. Automatically Add GL Account for new agencies. -- Enter a Y for Yes or a N for No
 4. Days to close Agency. -- This value represents the number of days that are to lapse between the time that an agency goes from an ‘I’ status to a ‘C’ status.

OCR Tab: Artist - Field Descriptions
 1. Status. -- Status code that you want to default when adding a new artist. Values are
L= List Only
A =Active
 2. R/A Responsible Agent. -- What agent’s initials should default when a new venue is added (i.e. during auto-add). *If you leave blank whoever is adding their initials will automatically enter in the field (you can always change it later).
 3. Category. -- The category defaulted for new artists. Normally this default represents the type artist that your agency is most likely to represent.
 4. EX/N Valid values are:
R= Referral only
‘ ‘=blank.
 5. Agency Default. -- value that should be assigned to artists, if represented by another agency. It should be noted that the other agency should already be set-up, prior to using the number.
 6. Entertainment Type. -- Another way to define what type of artist. *You can create your own by clicking on Categories at the top.
 7. Pay Per Week Amount. -- of monies that the artists receive on a weekly basis. It should be noted that some agencies change the meaning of the Pay-Per Week values to Pay-Per Hour (for instance.)
 8. Pay Per Day Amount. -- of monies that the artists receive on a daily basis. It should be noted that some agencies change the meaning of the Pay-Per Week values to Pay-Per Hour (for instance.)
 9. Rooms. -- Information about rooms or specific lodging requirements.
10. Auto-Group Email. -- If you wish to send contracts and emails to everyone in the group you can do so now by placing a Y for Yes in this field.
11. Use Notes as Contract Defaults. -- If the value of this field is set to ‘Y’, then the information that is in each of the “Notes” sections of the Venues, will default into contracts when the associated Venue is used.

OCR Tab: Organization - Field Descriptions
 1. Status. -- Status code that you want to default when adding a new organization.
Values are
L= List Only
A =Active
  2. R/A Responsible Agent. -- What agent’s initials should default when a new organization is added (i.e. during auto-add).
  3. Category. -- The category defaulted for new artists. Normally this default represents the type of organization that your agency is most likely to represent.
  4. Entertainment Type. -- The entertainment type defaulted for new artists. Normally this default represents the type of organization that your agency is most likely to represent.
  5. Day to Close. -- This value represents the number of days that are to lapse between the time that an organization goes from an ‘I’ status to a ‘C’ status.

OCR Tab: Producers - Field Descriptions
  1. Status. -- Status code that you want to default when adding a new producer/promoter.
Values are
L= List Only
A =Active
  2. R/A Responsible Agent. -- What agent’s initials should default when a new organization is added (i.e. during auto-add).
  3. Category. -- The category defaulted for new producer/promoter. Normally this default represents the type of producer/promoter that your agency is most likely to conduct business with.
  4. Entertainment Type. -- The category defaulted for new producer/promoter. Normally this default represents the type of producer/promoter that your agency is most likely to conduct business with.
  5. Day to Close. -- This value represents the number of days that are to lapse between the time that a promoter/producer goes from an ‘I’ status to a ‘C’ status. (refer to Status Processing - XXX ) for more information.

OCR Tab: Venue - Field Descriptions
  1. Status Code. -- that you want to default when adding a new venue.
Values are
L= List Only
A =Active
  2. Class. -- What type of Class value should be defaulted. Please refer to Other Considerations in the previous paragraph on how this and other values might be used.
  3. R/A Responsible Agent. -- What agent’s initials should default when a new venue is added (i.e. during auto-add).
  4. Hours. -- Default hours or time period usually set for the artists to perform.
  5. Sets. -- ___/ ____ Number of sets and length of sets. For example, 2 / 90 would represent two ninety minute sets.
  6. Capacity. -- Capacity of venue.
  7. Contract Rider. -- Does the Venue carry a contract rider (i.e. Radius clause). This is the value that defaults into each venue that is added.
  8. Use Notes as Contract Defaults. -- If the value of this field is set to ‘Y’, then the information that is in each of the “Notes” sections of the Venues, will default into contracts when the associated Venue is used.
  9. Day to Close Clubs. -- This value represents the number of days that are to lapse between the time that a club goes from an ‘I’ status to a ‘C’ status.

OCR Tab: Contract - Field Descriptions
  1. Status. -- Do you usually create Offers [O] more than you create Active [A] contracts? Whatever sort of status you usually do can be entered here and when you go to add contracts that status will default.
Valid Options:
O = Offer
H = Hold
B = Blocked
A = Active
P = Pending
  2. Days to Release Holds. -- The Begin-of-Day will use the number of days in this field to determine when to purge Holds from the database. If you do not want the Begin-of-Day to purge, set the number of days to 999. Most Hold date will come and go before the 999 days pass. The User can then manually delete Holds when necessary. Also note that the Begin-of-Day will delete Holds and Blocks when the dates for each record have passed, regardless of the number of days input in this field. The Begin-of-Day will print an Exception report that consists of all past due contracts.
  3. Days to Change Offers to Quotes. -- During the Begin of Day process statuses are changed based on certain information. If a contract has already paid, but the money hasn't come in the system will automatically change it to a U. If the money had been paid then it would change it to a D for Done. This allows you to tell the system when you want your Offers to be changed to Quotes.
  4. Contracts Due [S]ent/[E]ngmnt. -- Valid responses are S or E for the first field and the number of days, in this case 30, for the second field. If the response is S, the Begin-of-Day will consider contracts past due based on the number of days after the contract was sent out. If the response is E, the Begin-of-Day will consider a contract past due based on the number of days prior to the engagement.
  5. Tax Option [Y/N]. - Valid responses are Yes or No. Set the flag to Y if taxes are to be included in the commission percentage.
  6. Tax Percentage. -- Input the percentage for the tax in your area. The system will automatically calculate the tax using the commission amount. The amount designated for tax with the be added to the commission amount due. Example: I have a guarantee of $ 1200.00. My commission is 10% (.10), which calculates to be $ 120.00. The tax rate for my area is (.05). Multiply the tax rate (.05) and the commission amount (120.00) to equal $ 6.00 for the tax. The total amount due to me is $126.00.
  7. Use Deposits to Offset Commission? -- This goes to the G/L Key Entries. When you enter money you can choose what the money was for. This allows you to use any deposits amounts to pay for the commission as well.
  8. Use Deposits to Pay Expenses. -- This is for the G/L Key Entries. If you would like to let the system pay for the Expenses with the deposit amounts that you enter.
  9. Process by Start Date [S] or End Date [E]. -- When the Begin of Day processes it can process a contract either by the start date or the end date. Depending on what date you use can determine what will print in daily reports.
10. Cost Per Cancelled Contract. -- If you charge a fee for any cancelled contract you can put the amount in here and when you run reports it will show it as money due.
11. Default Venue to Purchaser. -- When you are adding a contract you can have all of the venue information default into the purchaser field and tab.
  -- Contract Defaults When Adding New Records --
  1. Commission Perc. -- Input the most commonly used percentage rate for commissions. Use the decimal in the first position. (For example, to input seven and one half percent, put .075).
  2. RA Initials. -- A generic set of responsible agent initials is input here and will default to contracts during the add routine. However, it is recommended that each agent use his or her own initials for contracts so that specific profitability reports can be printed for each agent.
  3. Arrival Time. -- Input a default arrival time. The time in this field will default to a contract during the add routine.
  4. Agency Split. -- The valid responses are Y or N. This field will default to a contract during the add routine.
  5. Type. -- Do you have a type of contract you usually do like NC for Night Club or PV for Private Party? You can enter the usual type here and have it default when you add the new contract. If you don't have one you can leave this blank.
  6. Responsible Source for Commission. -- The valid responses are B (Band or Artist) or M (Manager or Agency).
  7. Daily Status Reports. -- These are the reports that will print after you have used the Begin of Day.
  8. Print Pending Contracts on Exit. -- Would you like to print those contracts that are set to go out when you exit the program? By placing a Y here any contract with a status of P will print when you exit the program.
  9. Payment Methods. -- These are your standard payment methods. You can have up to 35 of them. It can only take one digit so once you've gone 0-9 you can start using letters. When you add the contract there is a place to do a Cntrl^D and choose the correct Payment Method.