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How to Add an Artist
Adding the Talent, whoever they may be

About Adding an Artist
Click here  to see the How To video.

 1. Click on the Artist Module.
 2. The Artist Listing Screen will appear.  To ADD an Artist Click on the Green Add button.
 3. A clean Artist Main Info tab will appear.
 4. The only field required for you to fill out is the Artist Name. For further explanation of certain fields click here
 5. On the Entertainment Type and Category if you press the CONTROL key and the letter 'D' key a box will appear with different options.  To change these options to suit your company click here.
 6. Once you have added all of the necessary information you can add the record.  To do this you can:
a.) You can click on Artist Listing Tab -- this will take you to the Artist Listing Grid
b.) You can click on the Add button -- this is good if you are adding more than one record
c.) You can press F12 on your keyboard -- this is a great option if you are editing or saving.
No matter what you choose the system will ask you if you wish to save changes.  Click Yes to save, No to not save and Cancel if you want to quit the whole thing.
 7. If you click on the Artist Listing Tab it will take you back to the grid where your new artist was added.  If you chose B it will give you a blank artist information screen to add the next artist.  If you chose C it will keep you on the artist's record.
Explanation of Fields:
  Artist Number  -- A four-digit number given to each Artist. The system will default a number automatically for each new record. After the artist has been added to the database, this field is protected from update.
  Artist Name -- Thirty-five spaces are available for the name of the Artist (as it should appear) when completing an engagement.
  R/A (Responsible Agent) -- The initials of the person that will oversee the data record being input.
  Leader/Manager -- A total of thirty-five (35) spaces are available for the primary contact person that has decision making authority regarding the Artist. The first three (3) spaces are for prefixes such as: Mr., Mrs., Ms.
  Telephone -- The telephone number of the Leader or Manager of the Artist. All telephone fields have twenty-three (23) spaces available. The format for the telephone number is free form.
  Business Name -- Forty spaces (40) are available for the business name of the Artist. This line will default from the Artist name field. Input the business name if it is different from that of the Artist name.
  Tax-ID # -- A nine-digit field to note the Tax ID number of the Artist or Business. A social security number can also be input into this field. This field also defaults at the time contracts are printed, if the artist's Tax-Identification number is required on the contract.
  Address-1 -- Mailing address for correspondence regarding the Artist. There are twenty-five (25) spaces available for data.
  Address-2 -- The second line of the mailing address is for information such as Suite numbers, or other information that would not fit in the Address-1 field. There are twenty-five (25) spaces available for data.
  City  -- Input the city associated with the address for this record.
  State/ Region. -- Input the state, area, district or location related to the address.
  Zip -- Input the zip-code associated with the address for the current record.
  Ctry (Country) -- Input a three-digit country code for the country related to the address. For example:  USA, FRA. GER, AUS
  Telephone -- A second telephone number is available, if needed, for the Leader or Manager, business office or perhaps the Artist. All telephone fields have twenty-three (23) spaces available. The format for the telephone number is free form.
  Alt-Telephone. -- A second telephone number is available, if needed, for the Leader or Manager, business office or perhaps the Artist. All telephone fields have twenty-three (23) spaces available. The format for the telephone number is free form.
  Fax. -- The telephone number for the business Fax machine. All telephone fields have twenty-three (23) spaces available. The format for the telephone number is free form.
  E-Mail -- Input the E-Mail address for the current record.
  Web-Site -- Input the Web-Site address for the current record.
  Status -- Present status of the Artist. Format: See Codes Below.

Codes      |  Descriptions
A Active.    Indicate that there are active contracts for this record (or have been in the last 30 days).
I Inactive.  There have not been any contracts for this data record in the last 30 days.
C Closed.   There have not been any contracts for this data record in the last 60 days.

*Z The (Z) status only appears when the User inputs the (Z) in the status field. (Z) status records will be taken out of the database by the purge routine.

  Entertainment Type -- The type of entertainment that the Artist performs on a regular basis. Only numeric characters zero through nine (0-9) are available. Listed below are a few examples of Entertainment Type definition codes. The User may define these codes to any description that is needed to conduct business. Only numeric characters will be accepted. The most common code can default from the Operational Control assignment.
  Type Code | Description
      1             Music
      2          Comedians
      3            Dancer
      4        Actor/Actress
  EX/N -- Indicates if the group is exclusive or non-exclusive.
Code | Description
   E   =   Exclusive. The Artist is contracted solely from the User Agency. 
   N   =   Nonexclusive. The Artist is contracted with other Agencies as well as with the User Agency. 
   R   =   Referral. An Artist has been referred by another Agency to the Users Agency.
    G   =   Group. An artist who solely plays for groups. 
  Agency -- The four spaces are for an agency number. The number should correspond to an existing data record found in the Agent and Managers database. Use an agency number if the EX/N = R. If the Agency is in the Managers and Agencies database, the CTRL-D function will default the Agency number.
  Contract Rider. -- The valid responses are (Y) yes, or (N) no. If the code is ‘Y’, SEE ATTACHED RIDER will print on all contracts for this Artist. ‘N’ will default from the Operational Control Record
  Category -- The Category field is for the User to categorize artist with similar artist. The Category field further defines the Artist for more concise reports, mailing labels, and searches. (After the Entertainment Type has been established)