1. |
Go to Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook |
2. |
Find Accounts and then click on property and look at the information. You will
need to know: |
- Incoming Mail Server
- Outgoing Mail Server
- Account Name
- Password
3. |
Then click on the Advance Tab. You will need to know: |
- Outgoing Mail [SMTP]
- Incoming Mail [POP3]
4. |
Once you have that information go into Book-It 2000 and under Utilities click on
Operational Control Record (OCR). |
5. |
In the OCR go to the first tab and fill out the information. All information
should be your default email information. You will add each individual address
in a different place. |
- Default Email address (ex: admin@yourconame.com)
- Incoming Mail Server and then the Port #
- Outgoing Mail Server and then the Port #
- Account Name (Log In Name)
- Password
6. |
Once you've input all of that you can exit by using the Yellow Door. Then go to
Utility and choose Change Your Information. (each R/A will need to go in and do
this putting in their information). |
7. |
A Box will appear. Put in the appropriate information. |
- Put a Y in Snd-Dup (so you can also receive the email as a BCC)
- Enter in your personal email address: Ex: yourname@yourcompany.com
- Put a Y in Eml-Rcv (lets you know the email sent)
- Email Account is your email userid
- Email Password is the password for your userid
- Re-Key the email password
- System Password will already be in there.
8. |
Follow Steps #6 To enter an Email Signature click Edit button |
9. |
It will bring up a text editor. |
10. |
First hit ENTER then type in the information you would like on your email
signature. You can choose font, size, and color. |
11. |
Then go to File and Click Exit. |
12. |
Then go to File and Click Exit. |
13. |
This will take you back to the Change Your Information Screen and your new Email
Signature will have appeared. |
14. |
Then click the Update button once you've finished. |
15. |
This will take you of the Change Your Info Screen. And now you should be able to
send emails out of Book-It 2000. |