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How to Set Up BK2 Email Settings:
Set Up Email Settings and Email Signature

About Setting Up Emails
In most cases EBT will set up the Email Settings for you.  However, if you wish to do your own you can follow the directions below.  Or you can click on Email Signature  to find out how to set up the signature.

 1. Go to Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook
 2. Find Accounts and then click on property and look at the information. You will need to know:
  • Incoming Mail Server
  • Outgoing Mail Server
  • Account Name
  • Password
 3. Then click on the Advance Tab. You will need to know:
  • Outgoing Mail [SMTP]
  • Incoming Mail [POP3]
 4. Once you have that information go into Book-It 2000 and under Utilities click on Operational Control Record (OCR).
 5. In the OCR go to the first tab and fill out the information. All information should be your default email information. You will add each individual address in a different place.
  • Default Email address (ex: admin@yourconame.com)
  • Incoming Mail Server and then the Port #
  • Outgoing Mail Server and then the Port #
  • Account Name (Log In Name)
  • Password
 6. Once you've input all of that you can exit by using the Yellow Door. Then go to Utility and choose Change Your Information. (each R/A will need to go in and do this putting in their information).
 7. A Box will appear. Put in the appropriate information.
  • Put a Y in Snd-Dup (so you can also receive the email as a BCC)
  • Enter in your personal email address: Ex: yourname@yourcompany.com
  • Put a Y in Eml-Rcv (lets you know the email sent)
  • Email Account is your email userid
  • Email Password is the password for your userid
  • Re-Key the email password
  • System Password will already be in there.
 8. Follow Steps #6 To enter an Email Signature click Edit button
 9. It will bring up a text editor.
10. First hit ENTER then type in the information you would like on your email signature. You can choose font, size, and color.
11. Then go to File and Click Exit.
12. Then go to File and Click Exit.
13. This will take you back to the Change Your Information Screen and your new Email Signature will have appeared.
14. Then click the Update button once you've finished.
15. This will take you of the Change Your Info Screen. And now you should be able to send emails out of Book-It 2000.